Infinitas Playing Cards
Infinitas Playing Cards
£ 8.50 Add to basket

Infinitas Playing Cards

£ 8.50

146 in stock

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Creativity is boundless, endless, unlimited. A world of possibilities.

The Infinitas Playing Cards, designed by Rian Lehman, is a tribute to the world of infinite possibilities and interconnectivity. Printed by US Playing Card Company, with all custom art (pips, faces, even the indices), the theme carries throughout the deck — and each artistic nuance begs to be discovered. Made in the USA and includes specially printed gaff cards.

When placed in capable hands, the magician or cardist can let their creativity flow — not bound by convention.

Let your mind be open, wrap your fingers around each card, and feel it.

What are you going to create?

Additional information

Weight0.215 kg


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